New Book Day: A Developer’s Essential Guide to Docker Compose

As Developers nowadays we have a wide variety of Software components and Cloud Services to use. This was a scenario that we could not even imagine in the past. I still remember when we had to setup our Application Servers and Databases on top of Bare metal servers. This burst of computing functionality in the form … Continue reading New Book Day: A Developer’s Essential Guide to Docker Compose

Docker compose: run stack dynamically

I use docker compose every day for my local development needs.   During the day I might turn on/off various databases or servers thus I need to do it fast and in a managed way. Usually your docker-compose files contains the configuration for many containers, network, volumes etc. stack.yaml This works if you always want … Continue reading Docker compose: run stack dynamically

Docker basics: Docker compose

Docker Compose is a tool that allows you to run multi-container applications. With compose we can use yaml files to configure our application’ services and then using a single command create and start all of the configured services. I use this tool a lot when it comes to local development in a microservice environment. It … Continue reading Docker basics: Docker compose

Migrate your elastic beanstalk workers to docker containers

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk is one of the most popular services that aws provides. Elastic beanstalk comes with two options, the worker and the web application. The worker application consumes the messages from a sqs queue and process them. If the process was successful the message is removed from the queue, if not the message shall … Continue reading Migrate your elastic beanstalk workers to docker containers

PostgreSQL BiDirectional Replication

As you can understand from my previous blogs I am really into PostgreSQL. Previously we run Debezium in Embedded mode. Behind the scenes Debezium consumes the changes that were committed to the transaction log. This happens by utilising the logical decoding feature of PostgreSQL. In this blog we shall focus on replication and more specific … Continue reading PostgreSQL BiDirectional Replication

Debezium in Embedded mode

In a previous blog we setup a Debezium server reading events from a from a PostgresQL database. Then we streamed those changes to a Redis instance through a Redis stream. We might get the impression that in order to run Debezium we need to have two extra components running in our infrastructure: A standalone Debezium … Continue reading Debezium in Embedded mode

Add ZipKin to your Spring application

If your application contains multiple services interacting with each other the need for distributed tracing is increasing. You have a call towards one application that also calls another application, in certain cases the application to be accessed next might be a different one. You need to trace the request end to end and identify what … Continue reading Add ZipKin to your Spring application

Use Redis GeoHash with Spring boot

One very handy Data Structure when it comes to Redis is the GeoHash Data structure. Essentially it is a sorted set that generates a score based on the longitude and latitude. We will spin up a Redis database using Compose Can be run like this You can find more on Compose on the Developers Essential … Continue reading Use Redis GeoHash with Spring boot

Gradle: Push to Maven Repository

If you are a developer sharing your artifacts is a common task, that needs to be in place from the start. In most teams and companies a Maven repository is already setup, this repository would be used mostly through CI/CD tasks enabling developers to distribute the generated artifacts. In order to make the example possible … Continue reading Gradle: Push to Maven Repository